Technology and design styles change quickly and so too can the focus of your business. It is important that your website remains current with these changes and that your business is getting the most out of the new online opportunities that are available. Sometimes there can be a reluctance to outlay the expense of a new website design; however, if done well, redesigning your website can be a high return on investment. If your website suffers from any of these symptoms, contact us for a free site evaluation.

  1. Your website technology is out of date – Did you create your site a few years ago and haven’t don’t much with it since? There’s a good chance you are running on an outdated platform or Content Management System. Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox are always making changes to improve their product. If the technology running your site isn’t up-to-date with the browsers, things may not work correctly. You may loose an opportunity.
  2. Your website’s appearance is old and outdated – You have less than 3 seconds to capture the attention of your audience… The first impression has to count when dealing with the online community. A modern website not only provides information about your business, it also provides a place for people to connect with you via social media. Does your current site link to your social outlets? Does it have an active blog? Does it have image sliders or anything else that can grab someones attention?
  3. Your website it not mobile friendly – Everyone carries their computer in their pockets these days. More and more businesses are being researched while people are riding trains, sitting in restaurants, airports, dinner tables and even bathrooms with their mobile phone or device. If your site isn’t mobile friendly and your competitors is… guess who the potential customer is likely going to go with?
  4. You aren’t getting the results you want – Is your website out there, but just not giving you the ROI you were expecting? There’s a good chance that it’s due to your site being outdated, or lacking in activity or updates. A quality web design company can take a look at your current site and determine where improvements are needed, or if the whole thing needs an update.
  5. Your business focus changes – Over time your goals will inevitably change. With modern technology, you can easily share and update your website, social media campaigns and the like with the new policies.

Your website is an important part of your businesses marketing plan. If you’re not up-to-date with the latest technology, you may be missing opportunities to sell your product or service. Remember that your competitors may have updated their site and are currently doing better than you. If any of these 5 points apply to you, it’s definitely time for a website redesign.