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7 Reasons Zoho One Will Help Your Business Flourish
Here at BTech Consulting we are so excited to bring you an amazing software system from Zoho. However, we know you probably have no previous knowledge of who Zoho is or what they can do for you. Zoho offers an unbeatable CRM application, that boasts over 40 integrated...
Do I need a new website?
Why do I need a new Website? For many businesses there is a question of how to spend your marketing budget. Hire some more sales staff, invest in a print campaign, go to that conference or update your website among many other potential choices. So how do...
5 Quick Tips for Wannabe Web Designers
These days, web design skills are essential for any business looking to thrive in their industry. Luckily, we’ve got the basics covered in today’s article. I recently sat down with BoydTech designer, Emily Andrews, to discuss some of the most useful industry tips...
5 Quick Tips for Low Budget Advertisers
The start to a new business venture can be stressful and expensive, especially when personal stakes are high. Because starting a new business typically requires a decent chunk of financial investment, it’s not surprising that many entrepreneurs are interested in low...
5 Quick Tips for Recent Graduates
Congratulations on your recent graduation! One chapter of your life may be coming to an end, but another is just beginning. And while you might feel like you’ve got it all figured out, chances are there’s a few unexpected twists and turns waiting for you around the...
5 Quick Tips for New Bloggers
Considering starting a new blog? If so, you’ve come to the right place. These days, blogging can be a great resource for both personal and professional development. Don’t believe me? Check out some of your favorite brand name’s websites. More often than not, there...
Is This 2017 Trend Affecting Your Business?
Is there really any better substitute for our last week of 2017 trends than social media marketing? Let me first say that by “social media marketing,” I mean any and all business-related functions using a social media platform. For example, CRM and customer service...
Blogging Our Way Through 2017
To continue our month of trends, today’s article covers a hot topic in the industry right now: blogging. Blogging has arguably become 2017’s most popular trend. And why? For two main reasons: Everybody is online and everybody has something to say. What started as a...
Why You’re Seeing A Trend in Real-Time Media
This month BoydTech is obsessed with learning more about the what’s and why’s behind some of 2017’s most popular trends. And seeing as how the marketing industry is one of the most trend-filled industries of all, there’s a lot to talk about. However, this week’s...
Why You’re Seeing A Trend in Video Content Marketing
Marketing is all about the latest and greatest ways to reach consumers, and consumers are all about trends. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the marketing industry is one of the most trend-filled industries of all. Insert video content marketing. What exactly is that,...