Website Software Updates: February 15th, 2016

The following software has been updated on all applicable websites hosted by BoydTech Design.  If your website has any of this software you have been updated.

The Events Calendar

[4.0.5] 2016-01-15

  • Security – Security fix with Venues and Organizers (props to grantdayjames for reporting this!)

NextScripts Auto Poster

3.4.31 [01/14/2016]

  • Bug Fix – “Show ALL Debug Info” was left “ON” in the 3.4.30 causeing all kind of “warnings”, “notices” and “errors” to appear.

3.4.30 [01/14/2016]

  • New – New setting. It adds an ability to Force SSL/https or NON-SSL/http in all links.
  • Improvement – Better support for Custom Post types.
  • Improvement/Bug Fix Perfomance Improvement.
  • Improvement/Bug Fix [] Update to the new API version.

Login Security Solution

0.55.0 (2016-01-30)

  • Block discovering user names via the “?author=” query string

0.54.0 (2016-01-27)

  • Fix memory exhaustion on sites with many users during plugin activation if password history is enabled
  • Put “in” in “Please log and change it”

Ultimate Coming Soon


  • Fixed issue with image upload

Quick Restaurant Menu


  • Interface for editing menu item changed


1.1.4 (2015-2-09)

– Fix: Security patch for CSRF by RatioSec.
– New: Details for version info on PHP, WP and Database.

1.1.2 (2015-1-28)

– New: Separate Details page to provide more package details.
– New: Update to font-awesome 4.5.
– Fix: Delete reserved files cleanup message is more clear.
– Fix: Language files were broken with last release

 Anti Spam

4.2 – 2016-01-30

  • removed XSS vulnerability – thanks to Kenan from


2.5.2 – 01/02/2016

  • Fix – Compatibility with w3 total cache inline minification.
  • Fix – Remove stock bw compat code which was preventing manage stock being disabled at variation level.
  • Fix – When calculating shipping total, force rounding.
  • Fix – Make save button clickable in tax rate table after using autocomplete field.
  • Fix – Fix passed image_size variable in email templates.
  • Fix – Don’t show purchase note to admin in emails.
  • Fix – Fix ‘hide empty’ setting in category widget
  • Fix – Prevent notice in get_allowed_countries.
  • Fix – Prevent add-to-cart querystring in pagination links.
  • Tweak – Allow propagation in variation script.
  • Tweak – Product image alt text.
  • Tweak – Remove notice and add styling for add payment page.
  • Tweak – Set input margin and label display for compatibility with themes using bootstrap CSS.
  • Tweak – Add context to category term localization.
  • Tweak – Moved cart URL functions to core-functions file to make them available in admin area.
  • Tweak – Added password hint text and error messages when showing the password strength meter in forms.
  • Tweak – Added Saudi Riyal currency.
  • Tweak – Added Russian Ruble symbol.
  • Tweak – When COOKIEPATH is an empty string, set to ‘/’ so cookies work across all pages.
  • Dev – Template – Pass $category into wc_product_cat_class() in content-product_cat.php

2.5.1 – 25/01/2016

  • Fix – Remove usage of get_currentuserinfo() which is deprecated in WordPress 4.5.
  • Fix – Fix responsive product sizes when the columns class is missing.
  • Fix – Fix function exists check for woocommerce_template_loop_category_title.
  • Fix – check_version on all requests so that the installer runs after remote plugin updates.
  • Fix – Only show the “add payment method” button when needed, and check for required fields on the add payment method page.
  • Fix – Correctly block UI to prevent attribute issues in backend when adding multiple attributes in quick succession.
  • Fix – Show SKU in admin emails.
  • Fix – Don’t show downloads in admin emails.
  • Fix – Fix query/missing variable in validate_user_usage_limit function.
  • Fix – Prevent endless loading on checkout when reload_checkout session variable was used.
  • Fix – Correctly display html entities in tax screen autocomplete.
  • Fix – Do sales reports based on refund line items rather than fully refunded orders to prevent double refunds being reported.
  • Fix – Qty button can be hidden for variable products sold individually.
  • Fix – Show the taxable country rather than base country in “estimated for” text during checkout.
  • Fix – Prevent select2 gaining focus on IOS7 scroll.
  • Fix – API – Fix indexes on decimal and thousand values.
  • Tweak – Clear cron jobs on uninstall
  • Tweak – Don’t disable place order button on checkout if a weak password is used.
  • Tweak – Added password strength meter in lost password and edit accout pages.
  • Tweak – Pass $args to woocommerce_dropdown_variation_attribute_options_html hook.

2.5.0 – 18/01/2016

  • Feature – New default session handler. Uses custom table to store data rather than the options table for performance and scalability reasons.
  • Feature – New tax settings UI – faster, enhanced with ajax, searchable.
  • Feature – WP CLI Support.
  • Feature – Added terms and conditions checkbox to pay page.
  • Feature – Password strength indicators.
  • Feature – Added ‘pay’ link to order screen.
  • Feature – Added admin order/payment failed notification.
  • Fix – Check for existence of global attribute when you get_attributes() for a product.
  • Fix – Show order by template on product search.
  • Fix – Search variation skus in backend search.
  • Tweak – For coupons with category restrictions, respect the category hierarchy.
  • Tweak – Added wc_array_cartesian function to generate variations in a logical order.
  • Tweak – Revised email settings screens to show emails in a table and avoid a long sub-nav.
  • Tweak – Default customer role capabilities.
  • Tweak – Expire mini-cart cache after 24 hours.
  • Tweak – Improved refund error messages in PayPal standard.
  • Tweak – Removed language pack downloader in favour of
  • Tweak – Added onboarding wizard button to the contextual help so it can be accessed again.
  • Tweak – When a WordPress user is deleted, turn any orders they have into Guest orders.
  • Tweak – When calculating order taxes, respect tax settings and default to base country.
  • Tweak – Fade in variation images to avoid flicker during load.
  • Tweak – Display 2 averages on report (net and gross).
  • Tweak – Improve product search and use WPDB instead of several get_posts queries for performance.
  • Tweak – Use SKU for stock order notes.
  • Tweak – Added order notes for manual email sends.
  • Tweak – Sanitize shipping method labels/titles.
  • Tweak – Only display the coupon form on the checkout if a coupon hasn’t been applied.
  • Tweak – Added billing address column to order screen (off for new users).
  • Tweak – Created function to disable author archives for customers.
  • Tweak – When updating cart hash, refresh all open tabs.
  • Tweak – Use new “question” mark icon font for help tips.
  • Tweak – Improved review verification status retrieval.
  • Tweak – Improve appearance when only 1 gateway is active.
  • Tweak – Aligned terms box left and added required asterisk.
  • Tweak – Removed dropdown display mode for cart shipping methods – radios are more flexible.
  • Dev – API – Added /products/shipping_classes endpoint.
  • Dev – API – Added support to POST, PUT, and DELETE categories and tags.
  • Dev – API – Added support to filter products by tag, category, shipping class, and attribute.
  • Dev – API – Added tax and tax_class endpoints.
  • Dev – Template – New star ratings. The old one was 5 separate buttons. This new one consolidates the 5 options into one element making it leaner visually and more intuitive. Works in IE9+ with a graceful degradation for IE8.
  • Dev – Template – Added data-title attribute to cart table.
  • Dev – Template – Product archive anchors are now hooked into templates rather than hard coded.
  • Dev – Template – Added template files for the customer details list in emails. emails/email-customer-details.php
  • Dev – Template – Revised single variation cart template. Template files now exist for variations, and the cart button will display (disabled) when no selections are made.
  • Dev – Template – Made “my orders” columns fully customizable with filters.
  • Dev – Template – Unified email template order details tables to use a single template.
  • Dev – Allow wc_clean to support arrays.
  • Dev – Added a manual update trigger for checkout.
  • Dev – Added woocommerce_is_price_filter_active filter to Query class.
  • Dev – Replaced some cart methods with dedicated functions. e.g. wc_ship_to_billing_address_only().
  • Localisation – Add Kenyan currency and symbol.

See anything interesting?

See some software you think would work great on your website?  Give us a call at 865-824-3362.  Any of these can be added to your site.