How Marketing Professionals use Social Media [infographic]

Have you ever wondered how (and why) marketers, in house and services, use social media to help promote your business? Useful Social Media recently did a survey of over 500 brand marketers to provide this comprehensive overview of the way marketing professionals are...

10 Important Social Media Statistics for 2013

1.  Google+ is catching up to Facebook.   2.  Facebook active usage still dominates. 3.  Pinterest is the fastest growing network. 4. LinkedIn is the most popular for older users. 5. Usage of social networks by older users is increasing. 6.  Google+ dominates on...

Intro to Facebook for Business Sessions

BoydTech Design is proud that we have been selected to be a part of the new education/training program TNT ( introduced recently to benefit their chapters. Our part of the program is to educate small businesses on the best methods to use...